Which Railroad Solvents are Dangerous?
Just about every industrial solvent is somewhat hazardous. However, some types of solvents are more dangerous than others. Many petroleum solvents and chlorinated solvents are particularly dangerous. The railroads have relied upon both types.
Can Solvent Exposure Cause Cancer?
Yes. Exposure to certain industrial solvents can cause cancer. If you or a loved one has been exposed to industrial solvents and have been diagnosed with one of the following illnesses you may be eligible for compensation.
When did the Railroads Know Solvent Exposure was Harming Workers?
Internal railroad documents produced during litigation have revealed that the railroads were aware as early as the 1950s that solvents could harm workers and that respirators and gloves should be used when working with solvents.
Are Railroad Workers Still at Risk for Dangerous Solvent Exposure Today?
Chlorinated solvents have been largely phased out of use, but petroleum solvents are still widely used throughout the industry. Today, the benzene content in most petroleum solvents has been greatly reduced. However, there is no safe level of benzene exposure. Chronic exposure to trace quantities of benzene may amount to dangerous levels over time.
What can I do if I was Exposed to Industrial Solvents?
If you or a loved one were exposed to industrial solvents and have been diagnosed with a related disease, the attorneys at Hughes Law Offices may be able to help. These are complicated cases that require experienced attorneys. While you and your loved ones focus on recovery, let us do the work needed to prove your case. Contact Hughes Law Offices today at 312-877-5588 for a free attorney consultation.