These exposures can lead to a variety of illnesses for track/engineering department workers, including lung cancer, silicosis, Parkinson’s disease, and acute myeloid leukemia. Hughes Law Offices focuses its practice on FELA cancer claims representing sickened railroad employees. Many of the exposures that cause our clients’ illnesses occurred back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, before the railroads began any proactive industrial hygiene practices.
The fact is, today’s track/engineering department employees still face regular exposures to cancer-causing agents. The danger remains, but some railroads do a slightly better job safeguarding their employees. The associated diseases are as varied as the exposures. Many track department workers develop pulmonary illnesses like silicosis, COPD and lung cancer and others develop blood and bone marrow cancers like Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Bladder, kidney, laryngeal and stomach cancers are also prevalent amongst engineering department workers.
Railroad cancer cases are reliant on the opinions of medical doctors, epidemiologists and industrial hygiene experts. If your attorney hires the wrong expert, your case will not make it to trial. It is vital that you retain an experienced railroad cancer lawyer to represent you. Learn more today by calling 312-877-5588 and speak directly with one of our attorneys.